Starting in 2016, we partnered with the US Soccer Development Academy to conduct one of the largest studies of mindsets in sport to date. We conducted focus groups and interviews with over 500 players, coaches, and club personnel to help us design a survey of player mindsets, which we distributed to all the clubs in the academy. Over three years, over 12,000 players took the survey, which we connected to performance data from the federation to analyze which mindsets matter most for success. Using our learnings from this study, we presented various strategic recommendations to the US Soccer Federation, which resulted in a partnership with the USSF’s Coaching Education Department to teach coaches how to leverage our learnings in their everyday work with players. These learnings helped coaches to unlock unrealized potential in their player development systems, teaching them how to create motivationally supportive environments and to connect with their players more effectively.



Our partnership with the Junior Tennis Championship Center (JTCC) began with a systems mapping conversation which opened the door to vital insights about the data they needed to evaluate and improve their program. Through focus groups, interviews, and surveys, we provided JTCC with data that painted a clear picture for how they could make adjustments to deliver even better outcomes for their athletes and alumni. To help them realize this vision, we supported their staff and leadership with ongoing coaching and support throughout our engagement over multiple years,